Transcript of the Video:

Good communication skills are the key to success in life, work and relationships.

This is especially the case in business when you’re growing your team and you want to communicate with them effectively.

When it comes to outsourcing we’re aware communication is a REAL concern and if you want outsourcing to succeed for your business then it’s important to know all of your options.

David Judge here from Affordable Staff and I’m going to share the different methods our clients use to stay in contact with their outsourcing teams along with a few short communication tips to get the best results with your team.

Although our clients team are located in our office in the Philippines, technology of today has bridged the gap to the level where they may as well be in the next room. There are virtually no limits on how to and how often you communicate with your team.

Imagine OutSourced Team Members As If They Are In the Next Room

With that in mind, lets share the 5 top methods our clients use to communicate with their outsourced team:

Use Instant messaging

Instant messaging is just like sending SMS messages between your computer to your team and vice versa. The 2 most commonly used programs are Skype & Zoom which can run on your desktop, laptop, tablet or even your smart phone.

On a side note you can also use video and screen sharing on these softwares for training purposes or general face to face conversation.

You can use Skype for Instant Messaging and Video Conferencing

Engage With Email

As your team are always present in our office during your work hours, when you email your team they receive it immediately and can action any tasks within your fixed time lines or respond to you via email as required.

Talk Using Voice

Services like Skype and Zoom allow you to voice conversations allowing you to physically talk to your team whenever you need.

We also have a number of clients that use Hosted PBX systems, easily setting up their team member with their own extension.

Voice communication is easy with Skype or services like Hosted PBX’s

It’s a matter of just picking up your phone and dialling their extension (I’ll cover exactly how this works in another post).

Shared Documents and use Project Softwares

There are many programs available here including Google Drive, DropBox, Box, Trello that make it really simple to share your documents.

If you have any security concerns around your documentation there are really simple and secure options available to ensure your data is protected.

Excellent examples of how to share data with your Outsource Team

Get Face To Face

If you are employing / setting up a team then you can visit your team during your training process to ensure you are ironing out any bugs from the very beginning and hands on training your outsourced team in your processes.

Finally it’s important to ensure you are communicating as much as possible and to ensure you keep constant 2 way communication going between you and your outsourced team. Technology is making it easier than ever to ensure you can connect directly to your team as if they are in the next room.

If you’d like to find out more about how outsourcing can work within your business you can call us anywhere within Australia on 1300 139 482

This is David Judge from Affordable Staff showing Australian businesses how to achieve business efficiency through outsourcing.