Today I’m going to share with you how Real Estate clients are using outsourcing to ensure that CMA’s or Comparative Market Analysis reports are generated consistently and in a timely manner.

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Today I’m going to share with you how Real Estate clients are using outsourcing to ensure that CMA’s or Comparative Market Analysis reports are generated consistently and in a timely manner.

Damien Barnett from Affordable Staff and in my years of experience in the real estate industry, I found that whilst most property management businesses have all the good intentions of providing their clients with regular update on the rental market and value of their property too often this simple step if skipped at lease renewal time due to the large volume of “URGENT” things that have to be done now.

The Real Cost Savings Of Outsourcing CMA’s

So let’s explore the REAL COST involved for your local staff to generate a CMA using a Real Estate business that has 300 rental properties.

On average they have to generate and send 38 CMA’s per month and to do this the staff will need to:

  • Log into RPdata or Pricefinder
  • Locate the property and ensure the property attributes are correct
  • Generate and merge the CMA report using your company templates
  • Save a copy in your document management software
  • Email a copy to the clients with company information sheets.

The time to complete just these 5 tasks is whopping 6 hours per month.

Additional Tasks Outsourced Team Members Can Complete

But we all want to ensure that our clients are well informed and many agencies also offer a sales CMA also as well as a follow up phone call to ensure that if your client is looking to sell their property that you are foremost in their mind.

Making this fundamental task that is often overlooked by property managers cost you up to 13 hours per month or 3 hours per week being tied up in JUST sending generating and sending CMA’s.

Outsourcing Property Management Tasks

With an Affordable Staff team member working in your agency, the process of generating and sending out CMA’s, as well ensure that your clients have received this important information is so much easier because Affordable Staff team members are highly trained in your software systems to ensure that CMA’s are generated, merged and sent within your business timeframes and structure.

An Affordable Staff team member can even follow up by phone to ensure that your clients have received the information and schedule a time for your property manager or sales agent of choice to speak with them to ensure that you and your team can maximise their time on the ground to focus on:

  • cost productive,
  • money making and
  • client focus tasks.

Affordable Staff is a local Brisbane business that has been working with and trusted by many Real Estate Businesses for over 10 years.

We really ensure you get amazing results for:

  • you,
  • your tenants and
  • your owners.

If you’d like to find out more about how outsourcing can work within your business you can call us anywhere within Australia on 1300 139 482.

This is Damien Barnett from affordable staff showing Australian businesses how to achieve business efficiency through outsourcing.