In this Q and A we’re going to answer :

  • How can I make it as easy as possible to integrate offshore staff?
  • Who monitors the performance of my outsourced staff?
  • How do you keep staff in your office up to date with changes within my industry?

Transcript of the video:

Nadine Davis-Atma from Affordable Staff and welcome to our RAW Q&A session around outsourcing.

We’ve created this series of videos for businesses that have considered outsourcing and have genuine questions, or concerns that need answering.

The format is 3 questions and 3 answers based on over 320,000 hours of outsourcing experience.

How can I make it as easy as possible to integrate offshore staff?

If you’re entering the outsourcing space by yourself, then you may go through a lot of trial and error. When we employed people overseas to work within our marketing business we had to find where to get the right people, how to to train those people and then monitor their performance.

What’s worked best for us is to have management contacts in our Philippines office and people here locally that can communicate with that team.

So to answer this question…

  • you need to make sure you can get access to the right people for the role
  • they have the right infrastructure so they can do the job
  • Have mechanisms in place to measure performance
  • and finally, make sure you communicate constantly with your offshore team, to the stage that they feel like they are a part of your local team.

Who monitors the performance of my outsourced staff?

There are a number of ways we help clients to monitor the performance of their overseas staff. We have software that tracks a person’s performance levels and interactions.

While this is a good start, the 2 best ways to monitor your outsourced staff’s performance are through the use of KPI’s that are specific to your industry and by comparing or benchmarking the time it would take local person to perform the same task.

One area unique to our business is our support structure.

If you have any concerns around the performance of a team member, we have local account managers here and team leaders overseas that act to quickly identify and resolve any performance issues.

How do you keep staff in your office up to date with changes within my industry?

Whilst we offer general training to staff within our office –  any specific industry training or updates would be co-ordinated between the client and the offshore team members.

We have training rooms available for upskilling sessions, and have a number of methods for that training to be delivered.

There is no additional investment required for access to training rooms or facilities.

Ok, that’s it

If you’d like to find out more about how outsourcing can work within your business, you can call us anywhere within Australia on 1300 139 482.

This is Nadine Davis-Atma from Affordable Staff showing Australian businesses how to succeed with outsourcing.