In this Outsourcing Q and A we’re going to answer :

  • Is the outsourced person a contractor or a full time employee?
  • Does my outsourced person get any paid leave or other entitlements?
  • How do I communicate with my team member?

Eva Judge from Affordable Staff and welcome to our RAW q&a session around outsourcing.

We’ve created these series of videos for businesses that have considered outsourcing and they have genuine questions or concerns that need answering.

The format? 3 questions and 3 answers based on over 250,000 hours of outsourcing experience.

Let’s start with the first question…

Is the outsourced person a contractor or a full time employee?

The outsourced team member is a FULL TIME employee. There are a few reasons for this… First of all it means we can attract quality people as like with anywhere else if you want good people, you need to offer them the security of a full time job. Secondly, if you employ a person on a contract they charge more as again there’s no guarantee of full time employment and they’re not getting paid holiday, sick and health insurance as a part of their basic hourly rate.

Does my outsourced person get any paid leave or other entitlements?

Yes… When working with us we pay, sick leave, holiday pay, health & benefits and 13 month. This is incorporated into the hourly rate of all clients and means we attract GOOD people. When I say good, I mean we attract people with the right mindset that think outside the square and are empowered and take ownership of their roles.

How do I communicate with my team member?

Think of this for a moment. Let’s say you’re in Brisbane and you have another office in Sydney, how would you stay in touch with your employee? The answer is the same. Phone, Email, Skype, Zoom, Text Message, Video Conferencing, Facebook Messenger maybe? So like I said before, it’s the same as staying in touch with a person from another city.

Ok, great, that’s it.

If you’d like to find out more about how outsourcing can work within your business you can call us anywhere within Australia on 1300 139 482.

This is Eva Judge from affordable staff showing Australian businesses how to achieve business efficiency through outsourcing.