In this Q and A we’re going to answer :

  • Can my outsourced staff member do my property management trust accounting?
  • How do I know what skills they have and what real estate tasks I can allocate them?
  • What property management software systems can my outsourced team member use?

Transcript of the video:

Damien Barnett from Affordable Staff and welcome to our RAW Q&A session around outsourcing.

We’ve created these series of videos for businesses that have considered outsourcing and they have genuine questions or concerns that need answering.

The format? 3 questions and 3 answers based on over 275,000 hours of outsourcing experience.

Let’s get into it

Can my outsourced staff member do my property management trust accounting?

In my opinion, no!

We’ve found outsourced team member is able to use the software, but in a process driven capacity around tasks that need to be completed for example typing up condition reports or sending entry notices but not receipting rent or doing adjustments in the trust account.

Trust accounting is the lifeblood of a property management business and the principal is personally responsible for the accuracy of these accounts.


How do I know what skills they have and what real estate tasks I can allocate them?

So this actually works the opposite way around… If you’re outsourcing you should firstly identify the tasks you’d like outsource before you try to recruit staff with the skill set for the position. This is just like a position description and ensures you’re this as a guide to get people with specific skill sets.

The second step is to talk to someone that has experience on whether these tasks can be integrated.

Finally, once you go through the first 2 steps, you invest a lot of time in eliminating people that don’t fit that description.

What property management software systems can my outsourced team member use?

This depends on if you’re doing this yourself or if you’re using an outsource company to help you.

If you’re doing it yourself it will depend on the skill set of the person you can find. You will need a solid process in place to make sure you’re able to get the right people.

Let’s presume you’ve got that all covered, you’ve got the right team member, have a solid internet connection and consistent power for your outsourced team. If that’s the case then they use ANYTHING as long as you align these other moving parts.

For example some of the property management software programs that our outsourced staff are currently using are:
Just to name a few.

Ok, that’s it

If you’d like to find out more about how outsourcing can work within your business you can call us anywhere within Australia on 1300 139 482.

This is Damien Barnett from Affordable Staff showing Australian businesses how to achieve business efficiency through outsourcing.