Full Transcript:

David:  Hey. David here and I’m sitting over our office in the Philippines. We have Pia here.

Pia: Hi! Thanks for having me here.

David: Yeah. Thank you for you know, coming and talking to me today. So Pia is actually working with a Harcourts client. I think you’re working with Sadhana Smiles.

Pia: Yeah. I work with Sadhana Smiles and the team for Harcourts Move.

David: Yes. And how long have you been working for them?

Pia: I’ve been working for them for about a year and a half now.

David: Fantastic! And what sort of tasks do you perform?

Pia: I mainly do a lot of support for Property Managers. Including putting in new tenants, new owners, new properties into our system. I also do some of the booking for the maintenance requests, requested by the tenants for the properties that we manage. I also do a lot of marketing collaterals whenever a manager needs probably at lease board for a property that is open for lease and some of the brochures that they need for open homes. Mostly I do a lot of support for the Property Managers.

David: What do you think the property managers were doing before you?

Pia: Panicking, probably. (Laughter)

David: Working seven days a week.

Pia: Yeah. Working seven days a week, probably also 20 hours a day. That’s what actually I’m here for because I take a lot of hours off their work.

David: Alright. Damien used to work used to work six days a week, 10-12 hours a day.

Pia: Oh no. That’s a lot.

David: So what do you enjoy most about your role?

Pia: I actually enjoy the most is me, personally, I feel like I belong to Harcourts Move by asking a lot of work from them. Personally, I don’t like not working, like I’m just stagnant I don’t like it. I involve myself and ask “Hey. Maybe I can help you with something?” or “Do you need help with something? “so that I can feel I belong and that they don’t disappointment, I’m always busy a lot.

David: Fantastic! So, why do you think you’re an important part of Harcourts Move?

Pia: I’m an important part because I do support for the Property Managers and because we handle a lot of properties and just a handful of Property Managers.  We all know that really busy, they do a lot of travelling, field work, taking in clients, taking in new tenants for the properties that are for lease. I really do think that they need a lot of support, all the support they can get.

David: That’s right. So, why would you say you’re qualified to do your role?

Pia: I’m qualified because I’m flexible, I adapt to any kind of situation. Harcourts is always changing for the better, we’re always looking for processes that are easier for us and our clients to work with. We’re always changing, we’re always adapting and I think that’s a good thing.

David: You see yourself as a flexible person.

Pia: Yes, I always see myself as a flexible person and of course because we’re always busy, I always do my best before or on time so that we can have ample time for reports, meetings.

David: Do you feel like taking jobs from people in Australia?

Pia: No, no. I actually just do a lot of support because Australians are the one doing the job. So, I only just do support.

David: I think the average turnaround time for a Property Manager is nine months. The average amount of time the Property Manager stays in the role before they move is 9 months. I could certainly see if they’re, and let’s have it: Frustration, burnout for a variety of different reasons.

Pia: They just get tired, crazy schedules.

David: Yeah. Personally I never thought that way I see the difference we make with clients and I see how the team are more supported. I just wanted to get your take. (Laughter)

Pia: No. I really don’t take jobs. Like what I said, I do the support. I always like to extend a helping hand to property managers, especially to Harcourts Move

David: Fantastic! Thank you very much, Pia.

Pia: Thank you very much, David.

David: Thank you everybody. We’ll talk again soon.