In this Q and A we’re going to answer :

  • Do you have a pool of trained real estate outsourced staff ready to place?
  • Do I have to change my property management business if I outsource?
  • I’ve heard stories of people training real estate outsourced staff and then they leave and change jobs. Is this true?

Transcript of the video:

Damien Barnett from Affordable Staff and welcome to our RAW Q&A session around outsourcing.

We’ve created these series of videos for businesses that have considered outsourcing and they have genuine questions or concerns that need answering.

3 questions and 3 answers based on over 275,000 hours of outsourcing experience.

Let’s get into it

Do you have a pool of trained real estate outsourced staff ready to place?


When we place outsource staff with clients we focus on the type of person that has the right ‘mindset’ and ‘attitude’ rather than the experience in the tasks they are able to perform.

With this in mind most people would not have the industry specific knowledge in the software you use and your individual processes but we have developed a proven process to attract the right type of person, combined with training to upskill your outsourced staff within real estate and property management.

We’re finding by employing the person that has the right ‘attitude’ means they are completely work ready within 2 weeks of starting with you.

Do I have to change my property management business if I outsource?

This Yes and No… Let me explain

While every property management agency is unique, the follow the same overall process toward managing a property.

As I have many years of knowledge working for a number of different agencies training staff (outsourced and local staff) as well as working as a property manager I’ve come to learn that the key for a person working in a property management business comes down to understanding the software and process each business follows.

Dependant on the software and processes will depend on ‘how to’ integrate an outsourced staff into an agency.

Sometimes this means we need to set up spare computers within an office and for an outsourced staff member to log-in and complete the tasks.

I think the key here is in someone that has the experience in how to set up outsourcing to ensure any changes are minimal and yield the best result.

I’ve heard stories of people training real estate outsourced staff and then they leave and change jobs. Is this true?

Well, yes it can be true and it’s something that I’ve experience in the past when first outsourcing for myself.

Unlike Australia staff in the Philippines do not have the same support structure in place if they are sick or unemployed. Also, the unfortunate fact of the outsourcing boom is that many people locally are getting ripped off by local employers. While these businesses make a quick buck, they end up burning people that want to get a good job.

While you can employ a person on Upwork or other similar portals, the fact is you will consistently attract better quality employees if you offer job security.

Staff are looking to work for a legitimate company that pay on time and regularly, offer sickness and health benefits, private health insurance and a fair wage, which is our structure.

We attract quality people that want a good job where they are empowered, have job security and as a result, they don’t want to leave.

As a side note, as we have set up an incorporated business within the Philippines, it means we can offer all of these benefits to staff and it means you can also have them sign a legally binding agreement to protect your security.

Ok, that’s it

If you’d like to find out more about how outsourcing can work within your business you can call us anywhere within Australia on 1300 139 482.

This is Damien Barnett from Affordable Staff showing Australian businesses how to achieve business efficiency through outsourcing.